Monday, February 16, 2009

7 Days of Goodness!

I've made up this little program for me to follow. I am calling it "7 Days of Goodness". What is it? Well for one week I am striving hard to fit the 'goodness' of life into my days. Which means sitting down and writing out the goodness that I want to focus on...mostly those things that are lacking at the return giving up some of the not so good things. Here's my list.

1. eat more raw veggies and fresh fruits (no sugar!)
2. exercise of some sort once a day
3. meditation of some sort or reading - which means less tv and internet
4. increase water intake
5. increased sleep (which means going be bed much earlier since I can't control when the little ones get up in the morning, and napping when/if they do)
6. drink green tea (yup again attempting to give up the coffee ritual, at least for this week)
7. no white flour (which means no treats - since the only thing i eat that has white flour is baking) I also want to eat less bread - I have toast every morning!! :)

Look at that - 7 items! I didn't even plan that!

You may have noticed there's nothing about my kids in this list. Well, actually the whole program is about them. I have been rather grumpy lately, and may patience is low. I know I have overcompensated with some bad habits (ie. sugary treats) and those 'feel good' things that aren't lasting, like sleep. At night I am so glad to have time to myself that I stay up way too late, doing much of nothing, when I could be sleeping or doing something that will really benefit me like exercise or reading something empowering.

OK so here it goes! I'll let you know how I do! Feel free to drop me a note and keep me accountable.

1 comment:

  1. wow you described my life! Maybe I will join in on this goodness with you.
