Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Non Consumer

In church on Sunday the "Story of Stuff" was shown. I love this little clip. The Pastor challenged us to consider this video when we think about loving those around us but also those who are not visible but affected by the choices we make on a daily basis...namely our choices as consumers. I think I need to watch this video monthly to remind myself of the complexities involved when I go to purchase just a little something or other. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.

I want to strive to be a non consumer for a week. I was going to do it this week but since we are in the midst of a reno I figured this wasn't realistically going to happen...and unfortunately I am not at the point where I would choose a used toilet. (Besides the older ones use more water right?! So I am justified in my new toilet expense....I have a long way to go in being a non consumer**) So I have decied to take note of my 'consumer habits' over the next few weeks. Then hopefully by the end of May go spending free for a week. With future ambitions to do this for a longer duration.

Some notes thus far:
-meeting people at coffee shops or restaurants needs to change, meeting in homes cuts back on expenses. Also need to bring snacks with me when I am out and about.
-need to make coffee/tea in a thermos on longer trips to town (I live 10 min outside of a small city) so that I am not tempted to stop of a quick cup at various coffee shops along the way.
-looking around the house and making do with items I already have!
-keeping only to the produce section of the grocery store for those whole foods and prepare meals from there. Good thing I am doing pretty good at making my own bread these days!

**Is being a non consumer even possible in todays day? Thoughts? Can I be a conscious consumer? What does that mean for my everyday purchases? Where's the balance?

If you have ideas please share!

Friday, April 24, 2009


God's been showing me some interesting perspectives lately. Mainly around this word 'respect'. How am I respecting my husband, and the harder question, how am I disrespecting my husband? Am I respecting my children? How do I do this better?

Lately I've been pretty stressed. The stresses over the past year are just coming to a head. I find this is when it is hardest to respect others. Mainly because my anger gets in the way. I also sometimes feel justified for being *itchy because of all the stress I have to endure...oh gee...pitty party. As I reflect now, clearer of mind, I realize how ridiculous I am at times. Get over yourself girl! Look at all the blessings...which are many!

Husband have mercy! Because it's all his fault, of course!

Love is...patient, kind, long suffering, 'love doesn't fly off the handle'.
It's great we have a compassionate forgiving God when we fall short. It's great that I have a husband who does the same. Love you babe!

Goal for this week, dispite any stresses, R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Soil

Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown." Mark 4:20

My daughter planted a bean seed as a craft with her Mamma. When she brought it home I have to admit my first thought was "this will be in the trash in no time, great!"I know my daughter likes to play in the dirt as the last plant she brought home was destroyed before it got home!

I watered it and set it on the window sill, low enough for my daughter to observe (really I had no hope this plant would make it anyhow). However for a 2 year old, "look but don't touch" is not something comprehensible when their curiosity gets the better of them. Sure enough in no time she had her fingers in it. I tried explaining that she could talk to it, water it, but not touch it. We wanted it to grow big and tall, but it wouldn't do that if she kept playing in it.

Even though I felt this plant was never going to sprout, God had other plans! My daughter was pretty excited to see a little sprout...needless to say so was I. Now each day we observe how it's grown. Little Grace says "I grow that daddy!" and my heart is full of joy.

The lesson here! I think there are times I don't reach out because I believe it's not 'good soil'. Those words won't make a difference, it's like throwing them to a pile of rocks, nothing will come of it. Or why go out of my way for this or that, it's hopeless. I am not the judge of 'good soil'. I am thankful that this little bean sprouted. I hope I can be more hopeful and trust that God is the one who causes any good to come. I can just be faithful in following Him, loving Him, doing as he asks. Loving others.

This little bean plant continues to grow more and more each day! It's a little bent from the curious toddler, but it's still growing strong!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Ponderings

We attended Good Friday service yesterday since it worked best with our weekend plans and kids etc. You'll have to check out my posting on a blog I am co-sharing with 3 wonderful moms!

If I am able I'll elaborate more later.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


OK - if you haven't read yesterday's post do that first, here's the update.

First, thanks "annonymous" for your comment. For the most part that is exactly what I did, and after reading your comment took the 'walk' suggestion. It was great to be outside. A change of scenery...yay spring!!!

Who said? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Well that's what I did. I ended up cleaning the kitchen and managed to bake my very first loaf of bread and some scones. I had all the ingredients for the scones in the fridge since I was to make them for a ladies night last night, which I didn't attend because of my cold. My little princess (she had to wear a princess dress most the day) and I had a little tea party. It was so fun. The scones were so yummy. Now I will look back on the day as the day we had our very first Tea Party...and hopefully my very first loaf of many years of bread making.

I oughta see what other 'lemons' are lying around and make some more 'lemonade'.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

One of those days!

Maybe if I write this here I'll actually feel like I am being heard. Maybe if I write it down I'll gain some perspective?! Today is one of those days. One of those days you had hoped for so much more but is not shaping up to be anything you had thought and definitely not anything you desire. For starters, I had a bad night last night, a tiff with the hubby (probably because I am sick and grumpy and only wish for sometime alone in my bed), and then he was out for the evening. So I single handedly put the kids to bed and then my sick self. Yup, it's when you are SICK that those days are just not pleasant. This morning we woke with the phone ringing, overtime. Which is welcome only for it's monetary value, today anyhow. But this does mean my sickly self will be alone with the girls all day. Walking into the main part of the house there are still supper dishes to be washed and toys and an improve art project are cluttering up the coffee table and surrounding floor. Oh how I wish I had the energy last night to clean this up.

So today will be one of those days that I don't do too much, or have much expectation of myself. Although it might be a good day to attempt to make my first loaf of bread? We'll see. That will depend upon getting the kitchen cleaned. And my patience with Grace as now she is insistent on helping every time I enter the kitchen. Which always means the job will take twice as long and even longer to clean up. One day she'll be able to do all this herself and I'll enjoy a cuppa tea while she bakes for me. Ahhh the joys of motherhood.

Needless to say I need a little extra love today. I hope whoever is reading this is not having 'one if those days' and if you are well know you are not alone. Make the best of it. We're going to watch some movies and maybe mess up the kitchen a little more (actually that part is driving me crazy at first chance I am tackling that job, maybe that chance is now and yet I sit here blogging). Hmmm I do feel better sharing. Have a great day!